I bought the OPL3LPT from Serda Shop: OPL3LPT
It's an Adlib compatible add-on for PC parallel (printer) port.
To make it work, I had to:
- Make a AT keyboard to USB Mini power cable adapter
- Download latest oplutil: https://github.com/pdewacht/adlipt/releases
EMM386 was needed. To load it, I had to edit config.sys on my Toshiba T3200SXC:
device=c:\windows\himem.sys device=c:\windows\emm386.exe noems
Then I could load ADLIPT
cd oplutil adlipt.exe
And Lemmings was running fine with Adlib sound.
opl3lpt.txt · Last modified: 2024-05-15 04:58 by jaan