X.EXE. This is a DOS game made by an Estonian. It's a Xonix clone. =====The file===== For it's size, it's very playable. The game executable (X.EXE) is only 8107 bytes. The executable is from October 14, 1992, and the binary contains a few sentences in Estonian ("Kollarv läks üle max.-i", "Maxsamm läks lõhki !"). It may have been compiled using Turbo Pascal or similar, as the binary also contains text "Portions Copyright (c) 1983,90 Borland". The binary is in [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOS_MZ_executable|MZ file format]] and also contains [[http://justsolve.archiveteam.org/wiki/LZEXE|LZ91 signature]], but regular UNLZEXE tools didn't work. What worked was [[https://github.com/virginwidow/mz-explode|mz-explode]]. To compile mz-explode, in Linux, I had to change line 407 in CMakeLists.txt (replaced "gcc49" with "gcc"), then I ran "cmake .", "make", and "bin/mzexplode X.EXE xoutput.exe". ~/src/mz-explode/bin/mzexplode X.EXE xoutput.exe Input file : X.EXE .EXE size (bytes) : 1fab 8107 Initial CS:IP : 1db:e Initial SS:SP : 2e4:80 Minimum allocation (para) : 1238 4664 Maximum allocation (para) : b238 45624 Header Size (para) : 2 2 Relocation table offset : 1c 28 Relocation entries : 0 0 Output file : xoutput.exe .EXE size (bytes) : 2d40 11584 Initial CS:IP : 0:c33 Initial SS:SP : bda:8000 Minimum allocation (para) : 1126 4390 Maximum allocation (para) : c273 49779 Header Size (para) : 20 32 Relocation table offset : 1c 28 Relocation entries : 70 112 {{ :x.zip |Download X.EXE as ZIP}} =====The game===== The goal is to decrease the area where the balls can bounce, and to avoid balls hitting you and to avoid balls bouncing into each other. Otherwise, there will be a skull who will eat more area for the balls to bounce. To complete each level, you need to fill a certain amount of area (or, make the area for the balls smaller than a certain size). {{::x_exe.png?400|The game played in DosBOX}} =====Videos===== There used to be one Youtube video about this gameplay, but the channel Rozyx is deleted now. Original URL: https://www.youtube.com/@Rox00000/videos I made a video about the gameplay: https://youtu.be/WqX6FNptlc8 =====Bugs===== There are a few known bugs in the game. Sometimes, there is a section of filled area created without any connection. {{::x_exe_artefact.png?400|}} If the score goes over 32767, it turns negative and current level may become impossible to be completed (as on following image). {{ :x_exe_glitch1.png?400 |}} In the last levels (maybe levels 12 and up), the game will have problems, and often a level will complete even if a 1x1 area is created. This happens after you enter level 16: text in Estonian. {{ :x_exe_level16.png?400 |}} =====Other===== The game might be related to a Xonix clone by Erik Jürviste that was just 4 kB (https://arvutimuuseum.ee/cs00000/). P.S: If you know anything about this game, who made it etc, please contact me (jaan_r@yahoo.com)